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The TRUE meanings of Ups & Downs

In life we will be facing MANY UPS & DOWNS. Anything comes around, goes around, nobody CAN'T STOP it or AVOID it. We will be having a GOOD TIME and BAD TIME. Be it we LIKE it or DISLIKE it, we ought to FACE it... Challenges will be surrounding us, we NEED to stay STRONG and ALWAYS BELIEVES IN OURSELVES. We can OVERCOME almost EVERYTHING if we stay CALM, PEACE in MIND and always FEELING GRATITUDE. It is like INVESTING and TRADING in stock market.

Stock market is moving in random basis... Fluctuating, ups and downs everyday... If we can STAY CALM and be PEACE in our MIND. We almost can SOLVE any challenges APPROACHING in our TRADING PROCESS. Nobody is born to be perfect, including ME. Some need time to understand themselves and their investing and trading style. So, we should always feeling gratitude by staying in such INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY world, it makes our investing and trading much more easier than before.

Still remember I was taking a BUS travelling to Kuala Lumpur all the way from Johor Bahru when I was still a student, just WISH to BOUGHT a company BALANCE SHEET report and INCOME STATEMENT from BURSA MALAYSIA in KL, it was like just happened in yesterday. If I have GIVE UP during that time, today we will not be ABLE to LISTEN to TONY LIM sharing about stock investing and trading. I still remember walking under the hot sun around 30 minutes to BURSA MALAYSIA in KL after alight from bus. It is most down period in my life by saying why stock investing is so TOUGH? But, I choose to stay on and carry on what I'm interested to. What is happening today is we are very bless, we have internet to make our life easier to obtain financial report Therefore, we should always BELIEVE IN OURSELVES that, we can CHANGE the world even how small we are. Let's work together to MAKE STOCK INVESTING AND TRADING A BETTER PLACE to all to UNDERSTAND. Cheers....

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Tony Lim

WCT Worldwide Training

Academy.Property.Finance (APF)

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