你完成了你的股市新年规划吗? Have You Done Your Stock Market New Year Revolution?
2016年即将结束,2017年即将到来。那么,我们是否完成了我们的新年股市革命?你分析了没有你在2016年在股市做出了哪些决定是正确还是错误的吗?我们应该在2017年的股市应用什么样的策略呢? 行动计划1: * 删除所有ROE低于15%的坏基本面公司。 *...

New Message from Donald Trump
New message has been released by Donald Trump at 10 December 2016. Let's take a look... Source of video: Youtube.com Brought to you by,...

Secret of Winning Investing Strategy 三大必胜投资策略...
Throughout the years, I have tried very hard to learn and search for what is the sure win formula to accumulate WEALTH through investing....