Relationship Between Profits & Dividend (利润和股息的相关关连)
From years of my experience, there is having a close relationship between Profits & Dividend. If a company is growing in their profits...

Why Should We Invest Our Money?
想了解为什么投资很重要...Watch below movie to understand why should we invest our money... Source: www.youtube.com - Kiatnakin Bank Brought to you...

The Salvation of Stock Market

Most Prominent US Election in year 2016 to Global Economy (见证最突出的美国选举在2016年如何影响到全球经济)
By referring to local current time in Malaysia 12:28pm. Donald trump is leading against Hillary. Many said Hilary will win this...

One of The Main Ingredient for Successful Investor is "Patience"
Many people think that success need to scout for FAST TRACK, we tend to believe SHORT-CUT is the ultimate way for success. Essentially,...